Kristen Diggs - "CHROs: What For-Profit Strategies Can You Learn from Nonprofits?"

Kristen Diggs, Chief Human Resources Officer for the San Diego Youth Service Organization, explores the connection between nonprofit and for-profit sectors in human resources. Drawing from her extensive experience, she highlights valuable lessons that for-profit companies can learn from nonprofits. She also highlights the importance of collaboration, mission-driven work, and staff mentorship, all of which contribute to enhancing employee engagement and retention. By integrating these strategies, for-profits can create more motivated and purpose-driven teams.

EPISODE:5 CHROs: What For-Profit Strategies Can You Learn from Nonprofits? A Conversation with Kristen Kristen Diggs Diggs Chief Human Resources Officer @ San Diego Youth Services

Kristen Diggs - "CHROs: What For-Profit Strategies Can You Learn from Nonprofits?" - Page 1 Kristen Diggs - "CHROs: What For-Profit Strategies Can You Learn from Nonprofits?" Page 2